The image shows a collection of spoons and forks displayed on a surface, with one spoon positioned in such a way that it appears to be balancing on its handle.


Do you have a severely damaged or painful tooth? Saving a natural tooth is always our top priority at Lake Minneola Dentistry. However, there are times when a tooth extraction is the only solution to restore your oral health.

If you need to have a tooth pulled out, our caring and professional team can help. We will do everything we can to make the procedure as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Why Would You Need to Have a Tooth Extracted?

There are different reasons why extracting a tooth may be necessary, including the following:

  • Severe Decay or Infection: Without treatment, tooth decay can progress, leading to pain, swelling, and a serious infection. If the tooth cannot be repaired with a filling or root canal therapy, extraction may be the only solution to prevent further damage.
  • Trauma: We never spare any effort to save a tooth that sustains severe damage from trauma. If, however, the damage is too extensive to repair, extracting the affected tooth may be the only viable option.
  • Gum Disease: Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a progressive infection of the gums that can damage the bone and tissues supporting the teeth. If the damage is extensive and a tooth no longer has the needed support, it may require extraction.
  • Tooth Fracture: If a tooth is fractured at or under the gum line, it can cause excruciating pain. These types of fractures are sometimes impossible to repair, leaving extraction the only solution to relieve your pain.
  • Tooth Misalignment: Selective extractions may be necessary to alleviate crowding in the mouth. That makes the room needed for orthodontic treatments such as braces or Invisalign to move the teeth into alignment.
  • Wisdom Teeth: Also known as third molars, wisdom teeth are often impacted or stuck in the jaw, causing pain, infection, and damage to the neighboring teeth. Wisdom teeth extraction is one of the most commonly performed oral surgeries.

What Can You Expect During the Extraction Procedure?

The tooth extraction procedure will depend on the state of the tooth and its location.

  • Simple Dental Extraction: You will require a simple extraction to remove a tooth visible above the gum line. We will numb the area with a local anesthetic and use special tools to gently loosen the affected tooth and remove it.
  • Surgical Dental Extraction: A surgical extraction is necessary for a tooth that's weak, fractured under the gum line, or not fully erupted and visible. This procedure may be more complex. However, our modern anesthetics and gentle techniques will ensure you are as comfortable as possible during treatment.

Extraction Aftercare

We will provide post-extraction instructions to outline caring for your extraction site and managing pain or discomfort. Here are some general tips to promote healing:

  • Bite down on a gauze pad for 30 to 45 minutes to reduce bleeding.
  • Apply an ice pack to reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Refrain from smoking, drinking from a straw, or spitting for at least 24 hours to avoid dislodging the blood clot forming in the tooth's socket.
  • Eat soft foods and plenty of liquids for the first day.
  • Brush your teeth and floss gently, avoiding the extraction site for the first day.
  • Use the medication we prescribe as needed to manage any pain or discomfort.
  • Contact our office if you have any concerns.

Dental Extractions Near Me in Clermont, FL

Are you dealing with a damaged or painful tooth? If so, contact Lake Minneola Dentistry at 352-995-7959 to book a consultation, or fill out our online form to request an appointment today! Our team will do everything possible to relieve your discomfort and restore your healthy smile. If, however, extracting the tooth is our only option, you can always count on our team for exceptional, gentle care!

The image is a digital graphic of a stylized tooth with a logo that features a blue and yellow color scheme, resembling a dental or oral care brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common reasons for an extraction?


The most common reasons for tooth loss include advanced periodontal disease, extensive tooth decay, and facial trauma. According to statistics, gum disease is responsible for close to 70% of tooth loss in adults. Although less frequent than the preceding three reasons, it should also be noted that specific diseases, drugs, smoking, and poor nutrition contribute to the risk of tooth loss.

How common is tooth loss?


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that in the United States, an average of 12 teeth (including the wisdom teeth) are lost by the age of 50. Also, 26% of adults between 65 and 74 years of age have lost all their teeth.

Does it hurt to have a tooth extracted?


Every patient and every situation is different. However, when a tooth and the surrounding tissues are numbed with a local anesthetic, you should only expect to feel a bit of pressure, but no pain as the tooth is being loosened from the surrounding tissues and extracted. For patients who are apprehensive and for some surgical extractions, our office will discuss our options in dental sedation to provide further relaxation and reduce any sense of discomfort.

What will I feel when the anesthetic wears off?


While it's normal to feel some tenderness and swelling following an extraction, the degree of these sensations can vary. It mostly depends on the complexity of the extraction and the body's response to the procedure. We'll recommend or prescribe the appropriate pain medication to help ensure your comfort and give you specific instructions for maximum effectiveness and safety.

How long does it take to recover from a tooth extraction?


Typically, the recovery period following a simple extraction is shorter than a surgical extraction. However, a patient's overall health, habits, and the size and location of the tooth, and other variables can influence recovery and healing. To speed up the recovery and avoid any complications, patients must follow the given at-home instructions diligently. We'll carefully review what to expect following your procedure and go over your post-op instructions.

Why should one refrain from smoking following a tooth extraction?


Smoking interferes with blood clot formation, which is an essential first step in the healing process. Blot clot formation not only provides a protective layer to cover the underlying exposed bone and nerve endings, but it also supports the growth of new tissue. Cigarette smoke also contains chemical toxins that can disrupt the healing process and lead to problems such as continued inflammation, infection, or dry socket.

What is dry socket?


In a very small percentage of cases, a condition known as dry socket can develop in the aftermath of a dental extraction. This painful condition can arise when the blood clot in the extraction site doesn't form properly or gets dislodged. With dry socket, you may experience throbbing pain and symptoms such as bad breath and an unpleasant taste in your mouth. As skilled providers of care, our office will provide immediate treatment to alleviate your discomfort and promote healing.

Will I need my wisdom teeth extracted?


The last teeth in your mouth to develop, wisdom teeth often do not have enough room to fully erupt or may be positioned in the wrong direction. These issues can affect your dental health as well as overall wellbeing. While some individuals never develop all their wisdom teeth, and a few have sufficient space for them, there are many people with partially or fully impacted third molars. Our office will monitor the development, position, and health of your wisdom teeth and will advise you if and when extractions are indicated.

What is the reason for a bone graft immediately following an extraction procedure?


After a tooth is removed, bone-grafting material is sometimes placed in the socket to promote healing and encourage new bone development. This procedure is often performed to support the eventual and successful placement of a dental implant.

How much does getting a tooth taken out cost?


At the office of Lake Minneola Dentistry, we strive to make dental care affordable and accessible. Depending on the type or complexity of the extraction and other variables, the cost of the procedure can vary. Based on our diagnostic findings, our office will inform you of the healthiest choices in care, explain the fees, discuss insurance coverage, and explain your payment options.

Are tooth extractions covered by dental insurance?


Many dental plans offer some level of coverage for tooth extractions. We'll advise you if your plan covers the full cost of the procedure and if there is any out-of-pocket expense. Our business office will work with you to maximize your insurance benefits as much as possible while helping you minimize any out-of-pocket expenses.

The image is of an interior space with a blue wall featuring a logo and text that reads 'Lake Minneola Dentistry.' Below the logo, there's a sign indicating it's a dental clinic.

Get in Touch with us Today

Ready to schedule your next dental appointment or have questions about our services?

Contacting Lake Minneola Dentistry is easy! Our friendly staff is available to assist you with scheduling appointments, answering inquiries about treatment options, and addressing any concerns you may have. Whether you prefer to give us a call, send us an email, or fill out our convenient online contact form, we're here to help. Don't wait to take the first step towards achieving the smile of your dreams – reach out to us today and discover the difference personalized dental care can make.